Avenue Hassan II 28800 Mohammedia - Morocco
Effectif: between 50 and 100
Chiffre D'affaires: from 100,000,000 to 500,000,000 Dh
Capital: S.a. 18,000,000.00 DH
Rc: 25165 Mohammedia
Création: 1946
Ice: 001525071000068
No documents have been provided by this company at this time
Portrait Leaflet catalog VideoAli Tazi ( President)
Othman Tazi ( General director )
Sale of household appliances, air conditioning, professional kitchens, bakeries, industrial laundries and cold rooms
(Showroom)       19, quartier industriel Sidi Ghanem III - Marrakech - Maroc Tél: 0808604256
Zanussi Professional, Primus, Airwell, Clint, Montair, Novair, Sidi Mondial