4, Q. Houria, Bd Palestine, 2° étg. appt. 3 28800 Mohammedia - Morocco
Effectif: between 10 and 20
Chiffre D'affaires: from 1,000,000 to 5,000,000 Dh
Capital: S.a.r.l. 10,000.00 DH
Rc: 29239 Mohammedia
Création: 2014
Ice: 002930715000094
Carmen Kossir ( Manager )
Study and realization of fire safety projects. Audit, advice and training in fire safety, health, occupational safety, security and energy. Maintenance of fire fighting equipment. Sale of fire safety equipment. Support for ISO 45001:2018 and ISO 50001 certifications
# fire projects,  
# fire service,  
# fire audit,