45, bd Tarik El Ouahda - ex Unité , Aïn Sebaâ 20580 Casablanca - Morocco
Effectif: between 10 and 20
Chiffre D'affaires: less than 1,000,000 Dh
Capital: S.a.r.l. 1,000,000.00 DH
Rc: 54897 Kénitra
Création: 2020
Ice: 002453501000071
No documents have been provided by this company at this time
Portrait Leaflet catalog VideoOumaima ElFilali ( General director )
Med Amine Mesnaoui ( Commercial director )
Industrial supplies, Epi, work clothing, tools, ladders and slings, pallet trucks, hardware, abrasives, nuts and bolts
(Dépôt)       Zône industrielle Saknia, lot. Erac, lot. 903, 30 rue 16 - Kenitra - Maroc
Index, Metabo, Bosch, Able, Nobel, Ingco, Dewalt, Stanley, Expert