polygone 2020 - route des Zenata , route des Zenatas, Q.I. Est, lot.126/127 20590 Casablanca - Morocco
Effectif: between 20 and 50
Chiffre D'affaires: from 50,000,000 to 100,000,000 Dh
Capital: S.a. 11,000,000.00 DH
Rc: 58761 Casablanca
Création: 1990
Ice: 001514759000005
Jean-Luc Martinet ( President)
Yvon Sau ( Administrateur)
Youssef Chakri ( General director )
Youssef Nouali ( Commercial director )
Insulation and sealing products, partitions, ceilings, wall and floor coverings, tools, Epi, wood and metal treatment, aluminum
Texsa, Ursa, Rockwool, Isover, Lafarge Placo, Eurocoustic, Polyrey, Safina, Xylazel, Festool, Edifloor, Thuperfil, Ideatec
# Wall covering,  
# expansion joint cover,  
# Pipal sheath,