39, rue Tamaarouft -ex Alma 20000 Casablanca - Morocco
Workforce: less than 10
Turnover: from 1,000,000 to 5,000,000 Dh
Capital: S.a.r.l. 1,300,000.00 DH
Trade Register: 86915 Casablanca
Creation: 1996
ICE: 001562388000048
Cette entreprise n'a communiqué aucune annonce pour le moment
No documents have been provided by this company at this time
Abdallah Senhaji ( Manager )
Equipment for laundries, hotels, laundries and dry cleaning
Ipso, Union, Cocchi, Pamilas, Artmecc, Metalprogetti
# ironing board,  
# dryer,  
# ironer,  
# tear-off table,  
# wrapper,