Effectif: between 10 and 20
Chiffre D'affaires: from 10,000,000 to 50,000,000 Dh
Capital: S.a.r.l. 1,000,000.00 DH
Rc: 264797 Casablanca
Création: 2012
Ice: 000003404000048
Philippe Dor ( Manager )
Martin Fray ( Director )
Clément Delmare ( Export manager )
Distributor and manufacturer of handling systems and accessories
Casar (câbles), Oliveira, Fixator (Nacelles), Green Pin (Manilles), Excel(manutention), Codipro (Anneaux levage), Rud, Adei (Potence), Crosby, Yale(manutention), Dillon (Peseur), Huchez (Treuils), Kratos (Harnais), Modulift (Palonnier), Holmatro, Rad Torque (Visseuse)
Corderie Dor (france)
# steel cable,  
# anti-rotation cable,  
# suspended platforms,