7, rue Balouch El Hassan-ex Bourguign 20100 Casablanca - Morocco
Effectif: between 200 and 500
Chiffre D'affaires: from 100,000,000 to 500,000,000 Dh
Capital: S.a. 2,812,500.00 DH
Rc: 455 El Jadida
Création: 1991
Ice: 001535724000042
Cette entreprise n'a communiqué aucune annonce pour le moment
No documents have been provided by this company at this time
Portrait Leaflet catalog VideoHubert Deboisredon ( President)
Mohamed AlFarze ( General director )
Mohamed Hnifti ( Financial director )
Saida Boutrouka ( HR manager )
Fahd Jawad ( IT manager )
manufacturer of computer and office consumables
(Usine/Siège)       bd Mustapha el Maani - Bir jdid - Maroc Tél: 0523360915 - Fax: 0523360082