Rte principale 3011 - km 6, bât. Motor Village, 1° étg. , Ouled Ben Ammour 27182 Bouskoura - Morocco
Effectif: between 500 and 1000
Chiffre D'affaires: from 100,000,000 to 500,000,000 Dh
Capital: S.a. 15,509,500.00 DH
Rc: 296945 Casablanca
Création: 2001
Ice: 001513303000032
Cette entreprise n'a communiqué aucune annonce pour le moment
No documents have been provided by this company at this time
Portrait Leaflet catalog VideoMehdi Sahel ( Chairman and CEO )
Equipment for energy production and transport
(Agence)       13 av. Abderrahim Bouabid - hay Riyad A15 - Rabat - Maroc Tél: 0534710024 - Fax: 0537710731
Alstom holding (france)